Some podcasts to listen with an Irish twist

It took me a long time to get me into podcasts. I don’t listen to music while running but I have turned to podcasts on the commute to and from work to help me to get through the journey. It gives me the chance to catch up on the weeks podcasts and news in the sporting world. There are so many out there and no doubt many lists but I have narrowed my list down to ones with an Irish and in some cases Cork connection.

The Runners Diary Cork

I’m starting this one with a disclaimer, my brother teamed up with the original founder of the original Runners Diary but that would be more of a reason for me not to listen in, I have listened to him long enough. But Brian and Damian found a gap in the Cork running scene  and filled it with a much needed reporting, a good bit of craic and some great interviews along the way. Weekly episodes review the results for the week, upcoming fixtures, the strava leaderboard (some day I will get on that) and interviews with all different people from Cork running scene. This is very much Cork based right now and follows Cork runners both at home and abroad. As they find their feet the quality continues to improve and looking forward to seeing what is to come. Even if you are not from Cork it is worth listening in to hear what is going on in the Real Capital 😉

Podcast link – here
Social Media – Website Instagram Facebook Twitter

Tri Talking Sport

Most in triathlon has come across Joanne Murphy at some point by now, she has annouced at Ironman UK, Ireland and was part of the annouceing team in Kona this year (WOW). I actually got to know Joanne during many battles on Zwift as virtual races became the thing to do in 2020. Triathlon Ireland set up a series of races and it really did keep people motivated. From interviewing some of the greats from the sports, from most recently Craig Alexander, the voice of Ironman the soon to be retired Mike Reilly to Age Groupers in Ireland and abroad. There are legends of the triathlon world scattered throughout her long list of podcasts. And its not all about triathletes either, there are runners, cyclists, Olympian and many more from other sports to listen in on. If you haven’t listened before its definitely worth taking time out or while on the turbo to catch up on close to 100 episodes now (that will be plenty of time of the turbo), even during their Monday Social sessions on Zwift.

Podcast link – here
Social Media – Website Instagram Facebook Twitter

Trail Running Podcast

2022 is when I got introduced to trail and mountain running. Mountain running didn’t end well for me but I will be back. With so many trails close to home I have found myself with a lot more interest in all things trail running and IMRA organise some superb races and for great value.  Eoin Flynn presents this show and if you want to find out what is happening and what has happened in all things mountain and trail this it the place to go. With some great interviews, news, fixtures and results it is perfect to listen to keep up to date.

Podcast link – here
Social Media – Website Instagram Facebook

An Irishman Abroad

My search for more podcasts brought me to An Irishman Abroad. Jarlath has had great Interviews with some of Irelands best runners, and the best thing about it is that he speaks to them about all aspects of their lives and as he doesn’t know much about running he asks the simple but relatable questions that way it makes it easier for the listener to relate. Sonia O’Sullivan is a regular contributer on the show as well.

Podcast link – here
Social Media – Website Instagram

Big Red Bench

This is keeping it local to Cork but has a huge following.  Big Red Bench can be found on Cork’s RedFM every Saturday and Sunday from 6pm presented by Ruairi O’Hagan. It is an extremly popular podcast with wide range of sport covered. It is a great resource to get the latest news from all things local. If you don’t catch it on the radio its easy to catch up via podcasts. With interviews, reviews of local events, results and fixtures it has a mix of everything. If you are not local to Cork we can always help you with translating.

Podcast link – here
Social Media – Website Instagram Facebook Twitter

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