Rise and shine

There are two type of people out there, early birds and people who like their sleep. When it comes to training you have to fit it in around life. For me that means it is usually an early rise to get it in before work and keeps free time for my family in the evenings.

Of course during Summer mornings it is a lot easier to jump out of bed and hit the road but what about this time of the year? There are many obstacles that can make you turn back over in the bed and skip your session. After all, cold dark wet mornings are not that inviting. Here is how I make sure I’m up and ready to go.

Check the weather

During the summer this may not be as much of an issue but when it comes to this time of year you have to expect the unexpected. Ice, snow or dangerous weather that leads to weather warnings may mean you have to think about what you are doing in the morning.

Make a plan

I find having a plan makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning. If you are not prepared it could be easier to turn over but if I set a target for the morning session I know what has to be done and more encouraged to get up. I have started using workouts on my watch so I have something to follow and don’t have to think too much in the morning. Plan B is always important as well just in case the weather is worse than predicted. During this time of year treadmill or turbo trainer maybe needed.

Don’t snooze

The worst thing you can do is hit the snooze button. Hitting it once can lead to hitting it again and before you know it you have run out of time. When the alarm does go off be ready to get straight out of bed. Also don’t feel bad going to bed early the night before.

Have everything ready

There is nothing worse than stumbling around in the morning trying to find everything you need, so it is best to be prepared. Get your kit ready the night before, if you need breakfast get it prepared as best you can. That saves you time and less things to worry about and distract you from getting out the door. I have my kit, breakfast and work  bag and clothes at the door ready to go. Also it helps to make sure that others in the house can continue to enjoy their sleep.

Enjoy it

There is something about the early morning air. Its fresh, the roads and paths are quiet and it prepares you for a good day ahead. Make sure to smile and even when it rains once you have the right kit you will be good.

Don’t forget

Early mornings are not for everyone, you need to work around what is best for you. There are some mornings where it won’t be possible to get out, a sleepless night, a sick kid or a busy day ahead can mean you have to skip a morning session. Don’t worry you will more mornings to get out.

You can check out my tips for winter running here.